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Snowstorm Regulations and Procedures

Snowstorm Regulations and Procedures



Due to the freezing temperatures, all garbage and recycling containers must be placed at the curb (not on the street) from January 22 to 24 to help ensure the safety of our sanitation team. Rear-yard garbage collection will resume on Monday, January 27. If there is not a clear path to your containers, please place them at the end of your driveway where they can easily be seen.

Please read the following abbreviated versions:


In the State of New Jersey, all reasonable efforts must be made to remove accumulated ice or snow from exposed surfaces of motor vehicles prior to operation, including but not limited to the hood, trunk, windshield, windows, roof, cab of a truck, or top of a trailer or semitrailer being drawn by a motor vehicle. (39:4-77.1)


All snow and ice must be removed from a Village property's abutting sidewalk within 24 hours after a snowfall. No snow or ice removed, however, shall be placed in the street or highway in such a manner as to impede the flow of traffic. (249-1) 


Thank you for your cooperation!

Keith Kazmark

Village Manager

201-670-5500, ext. 2202

Village of Ridgewood, 131 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450



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